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Монгол Ресорт | Mongolian Resort

Улаанбаатар хотоос 35км-ийн зайтай, Дархан явах чиглэлд. Хайрт хаанд байрладаг. - Газрын зураг харах


All facilities and services of Khaert Khan Resort are designed to meet your needs to indulge in the comfort of this unique resort and experience unique lifestyles of Mongolian nomads.



Утасгүй интернет
Зочид буудлаас санал болгодог үйлчилгээ
Морь унах
Ууланд алхах
Машины зогсоол
Явган аялал
4 дугуйт мотоцикл
Хоол ба уух зүйлс
Мини Баар
Өглөөний цай (төлбөртэй)
Тосох хүргэх үйлчилгээ (төлбөртэй)
Нийтэд зориулсан хэсэг
Нийтийн лоунж
Угаалгын үйлчилгээ
Өдөр тутмын цэвэрлэгээ
Эрүүлжүүлж, алжаал тайлах төв
Үйлчилгээний төв
Мини маркет
Ажилчдын ярьж чадах гадаад хэлнүүд
Угаалгын өрөө
Боловсон ариун цэврийн өрөө
Халуун, хүйтэн ус

Боломжит өрөөнүүд

Захиалах өдөр сонгох: 1 хоног

Ger 1 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 2 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 3 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 4 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 5 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 6 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Ger 7 (3 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
35 m 2

Mongolian Resorts provides the best accomodation outside of Ulaanbaatar. All our gers are luxuriously furnished to give you the best of both world, the sense of adventure, wilderness and culture surrounding you in Mongolia while living in some comfort being part of the noble Mongolian Heritage.



x 3
150,000 MNT хоног
Summer house 206 (1 нарийн ортой)
3 Хүний багтаамжтай
3 Ортой
55 m 2

Triple room with 3 beds (3 pax per room excluding a child)

x 3
180,000 MNT хоног
Summer House 202 (2 нарийн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
2 Ортой
45 m 2

Twin room with 2 queen size beds (2 pax per room excluding a child)

190,000 MNT хоног
Summer house 203 (2 нарийн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
2 Ортой
45 m 2

Twin room with 2 queen size beds (2 pax per room excluding a child)

190,000 MNT хоног
Summer house 204 (2 нарийн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
2 Ортой
45 m 2

Twin room with 2 queen size beds (2 pax per room excluding a child)

190,000 MNT хоног
Summer house 205 (2 нарийн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
2 Ортой
45 m 2

Twin room with 2 queen size beds (2 pax per room excluding a child)

190,000 MNT хоног
Summer House 201 (1 өргөн ортой)
2 Хүний багтаамжтай
1 Ортой
45 m 2

Single room with queen size bed

200,000 MNT хоног

Санал болгох