Ekh Terelj Family Camp is located in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, 6 kilometr away from Terelj bridge.
- 24 hour security
- Capacity: 70-80 person
- Four seasons camp
- Basketball court
- Childrens playground
- Restaurant
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51 km from Sukhbaatar square, 6 km from Terelj bridge. Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, Nalaikh district, Ulaanbaatar - See on map
Ekh Terelj Family Camp is located in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, 6 kilometr away from Terelj bridge.
Check-In / Check-out: 1 night
1 өргөн ортой. Өрөөний үнэд 2 хүний өглөөний цай багтсан.
Зөвхөн зуны улиралд захиалга авна.
Нийтийн ариун цэврийн өрөөтэй
4 нарийн ортой. Өрөөний үнэд 4 хүний өглөөний цай багтсан.
Зөвхөн зуны улиралд захиалга авна.
Нийтийн ариун цэврийн өрөөтэй
Ger is equipped with floor heating. Breakfast is included in the rate.
Ger can accomodate up to 6 person.
This rate is for 4 person. Fifth and sixth person will pay 30,000₮ and breakfast is included in the rate.
1 өргөн, 1 нарийн ортой.
Нийтийн ариун цэврийн өрөөтэй
Family House has 3 bedroom and 1 livingroom.
Family house can accomodate up to 8 person.
This rate is for 6 person. Seventh and eighth person will pay 50,000₮ and breakfast is included in the rate.